Ways to Support Us
American Skin Association (ASA) is a non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) tax status, so your gift is fully tax-deductible (providing no goods or services were provided in exchange for the gift.) ASA accepts gifts in the form of cash, check, credit card, and stocks.
Since 1987, our accomplishments have been made possible in large part by the support of generous individuals-like you. Your tax-deductible contribution will help our research scientists, educators, and advocates lead the way with innovative research, disease prevention, and enhanced public health. Please take a stand against skin disease by making a generous gift to ASA today.
Donate by Mail
If you wish to donate by check, you can support our vital work by printing the donation form and mailing it with your tax-deductible check made out to "American Skin Association" to:
American Skin Association
6 East 43rd Street, 22nd Floor
New York, NY 10017
Donate Online
If you wish to donate by credit card, you can support our vital work by making a secure gift online by clicking on the Network for Good icon
Donate Securities
If you wish to make a gift of stock or other securities, please contact us at (212) 889-4858 for complete instructions.
Spring Gala Pledge
Reserve seats for the 2024 Spring Gala, on Thursday, April 4, 2024, at The Plaza Hotel, by completing the pledge form and submitting.
Donate with Matching Gifts
Hundreds of companies nationwide generously choose to match the charitable contributions of their employees, adding extra value to individual donations. We are grateful to these companies for their exemplary charitable spirit. Please check with your employer to see if your company will match your gift to ASA.
Donate through the Combined Federal Campaign
If you are a government employee and would like to support our vital work through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), our number is 62346.
In Appreciation
On behalf of ASA's Board of Directors and staff, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to you for your belief in our mission and your ongoing efforts in making it a reality.
Thank you for supporting American Skin Association.