2024 Grant Applications Open

Grant Applications »
ASA's 2024 funding opportunities to support top researchers and physicians dedicated to the field of dermatology are now available. For over 36 years, ASA has funded hundreds of grants which have resulted in critical dermatological discoveries and broadened the understanding of skin diseases.
Proposals are reviewed by the Medical Advisory Committee on the basis of scientific merit, relevance, and promise.
Educators & Schools
ASA's free education programs provide teachers and students with critical skills and information to maintain healthy skin.
The Wonders of Skin: Looking Good, Being Healthy offers comprehensive school-based instruction for Grades K-12.
The Skin You're In addresses topics of interest to preteens and young teens — acne, sun safety and atopic dermatitis.

The Seven Principles for a Life Course of Healthy Skin
As champions of skin health, ASA strives to educate children and teenagers on its importance. Through ASA’s Education Council, the organization has developed an invaluable tool for people of all ages to protect their health and quality of life, now and in the future. Learn the Seven Principles »
100 million Americans suffer from skin cancers, diseases and disorders
Founded in 1987, American Skin Association works to defeat melanoma and other serious forms of skin disease by:
- Advancing research
- Raising public awareness
- Championing good skin health - particularly among children